comptoir de services

Cycle 2

Cultural entrepreneurship: developing your business model and promoting your cultural offer

may — july 2024

Because the cultural economy in France relies heavily on public funding, the notion of entrepreneurship has long been kept at a distance from the cultural sector. But the decline in public funding is increasingly forcing professionals to take an interest in and experiment with what is called "cultural entrepreneurship". The idea of ​​this cycle is not to have a financial approach tied to the economic performance of a cultural project, but rather based on the specificities of the cultural field. The challenge is to understand the importance of having a hybrid economic strategy combining public funding, own resources and private partnerships. Over a period of three months, and through different formats (group workshops, individual meetings, resources, etc.), Hôtel71 offers cultural project leaders the opportunity to build their economic model, define and disseminate their cultural offering or structure the organization of their activity through an adapted governance model.

Goals and targeted skills

  • Understand the notion of a hybrid business model (public and private)
  • Define and promote your cultural offering
  • Differentiate between the legal structuring of a project and the socio-economic organization of an activity
  • Putting a social model and its economic model into perspective


Current Month


26sep14h0017h00Atelier comptoir de services — Construire sa stratégie de communication et développer ses communauté14:00 • Gratuit sur inscription • Plateau médias


14nov9h3012h30Atelier comptoir de services — Les outils d’une communication responsable, comment réduire son impact dans le secteur culturel ?09:30 • Gratuit sur inscription • Plateau médias


orientation meetings

Do you have questions about the development of your cultural structure or media outlet ?

The Hôtel71 team is available to discuss your organization’s needs and present its support services.