An independent cultural player for 25 years, the Arty Farty association is committed to a process of transmission and restitution of its experience. Since 2019, with Hôtel71, it has developed an ambitious entrepreneurship support program that includes an incubator for emerging media, and a range of services, advice and event meetings for cultural and media entrepreneurs.
As part of Hôtel71, she is now adding to this range of services.

Nourished by its experience in the field and enriched by immersive, hands-on courses, it aims to draw on the expertise of its ecosystem and its teams: bringing cultural venues to life and programming them on a daily basis, creating and developing a festival, managing bars and catering, structuring an event project or privatization, consolidating resources, adapting to the societal context and environmental issues, projecting itself on a European scale… of support by proposing an approach to professional training that reflects its personality.

With these new training programs, Arty Farty is pursuing its main mission: to help equip future players in the cultural and media fields, consolidate their global strategy and economic approach, and strengthen their ability to develop an independent and virtuous ecosystem in the service of the general interest.


The personnel at Arty Farty are qualified to design and deliver classes, and to develop training programmes on different subjects:

– Private partnerships and sponsoring

– Administration and European funding

– Social rights and HR

– Communication and PR

– Privatisation and commercial opportunities

– Editorial strategy and programming

– Artistic direction

– Production and technical expertise

– Project engineering

– Building your business model

– Public, private and European funding

– Venue operation and development





Selon votre situation, les modalités de financements de votre formation professionnelle peuvent varier. Pour les connaître, consultez le document ci-dessous. Si vous avez des questions, les équipes d’Hôtel71 sont à votre disposition pour vous répondre par mail à

Pour s’assurer des compétences pédgogiques de nos formateur·rices, nous veillons à mettre en oeuvre :

  • Des expériences d’animation à l’endroit de nos dispositifs d’accompagnement
  • Des compétences nécessaires acquises lors d’une formation de formateur·rices des équipes

En 2022, Arty Farty est devenu organisme de formation certifié Qualiopi.

La certification Qualiopi a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d’actions suivante : actions de formation.


General manager

Fréderique Joly

Administrative manager

Perrine Jouk

Head of training

Ivan Roux

Quality and training team

Ivan Roux

Design and creation of training spaces

Julien De Lauzun, Axel Drouet, Valentin Fleury

Disability and inclusion officer

Solène Venuat


The media centre is equipped with a video projector, sound system, audio recording equipment and flipchart.

Most professional training courses take place in this facility, which can accommodate 20 people seated at tables in a “workshop” format or 50 people seated in rows in a “conference” format.

This training space is accessible for people with reduced mobility (street level access).


Située au 1er étage, la salle de formation peut accueillir 12 personnes assises.

L’espace est équipé d’un paperboard et d’un écran sur lequel il est possible de projeter en HDMI ou sans fil.

La salle de formation est accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite depuis l’ascenseur situé sur la partie gauche du bâtiment.


La salle de formation

Le plateau médias


Un entretien préalable avec chaque bénéficiaire est proposé en amont du lancement d’une formation afin d’anticiper et de cadrer au mieux les modalités pédagogiques et d’accueil physique et le contenu proposé.

Prior to any training course, a preliminary meeting is held to make the necessary arrangements and optimise the services offered in terms of the learning approach, physical surroundings and content of the training.

If you have a disability, Arty Farty’s disability advisor will speak with you to clarify your requirements and ensure that your visit runs as smoothly as possible.



Clients may submit a complaint concerning all or part of the services received to A reply will be provided within 30 days.


Rules of procedure (in French)

General terms and conditions of sale for training courses (in French)


To contact the Arty Farty training team