comptoir de services

Cycle 1

understanding your sector: designing and financing your cultural project

february — april 2024

The search for funding (public or private) is the first concern when it comes to bringing a project to fruition. However, cultural players are unequal when it comes to this decisive step: depending on their geographical location, their training or even their cultural heritage, they do not have the same access to, or the same understanding of, the sector's financing mechanisms. Over a period of three months, and through a variety of formats (group workshops, one-to-one meetings, resources, etc.) Hôtel71 offers cultural project leaders the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge of the sector, their understanding of the various existing funding outlets, and to take the first steps towards their business model.

Goals & targeted skills

  • Understand existing schemes and acquire a good knowledge of the cultural sector at local, national and European level

  • Draw up a provisional and operating budget

  • Choose the legal structure best suited to your activities

  • Develop your practices in terms of monitoring and tools

Upcoming events

Current Month


13fev14h3019h30Les Rencontres ADAMI14:30 • Gratuit sur inscription • Plateau médias



Every week, the “Thursday Visitors” meetings are recorded and made available for replay. Podcasts are available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Deezer & Soundcloud. Belown is a selection of podcasts related to the topic. 


Room Service, the video series for understanding funding mechanisms for culture and media.

orientation meetings

Do you have questions about the development of your cultural structure or media outlet?

The Hôtel71 team is available to discuss your organization’s needs and present its support services.