Build your artistic program around current cultural and social issues
Arty Farty has solid programming experience in all fields and formats, from festivals to clubs, from public spaces to concert halls. Arty Farty's artistic direction draws on its experience as a seismographer for this training program, which takes place partly in immersion during Nuits sonores.
Understanding the cultural and societal issues of our time, building frameworks and narratives, adapting to all contexts and territorial scales, economic constraints and the imperatives of parity and diversity are the main thrusts of this training program.
Saisir les enjeux culturels et sociétaux de son époque, construire des armatures et des récits, s’adapter à tous les contextes et échelles territoriales, aux contraintes économiques comme aux impératifs de parité et de diversité sont les principaux axes de cette formation.
next sessions : coming soon
- Understand the challenges of artistic programming in the light of contemporary societal and ecological changes
- Developing evaluation and budgeting tools
- Adjust your positioning on different scales (both territorial and international)
- Immersion in the Nuits sonores festival
- Transfer of know-how and skills acquired by Arty Farty over the past 25 years
- Providing project learners with an extensive European network and a toolbox of venues and events
Designing and editing programming
- Cultural and artistic context: what are the indicators of the times, how to decipher movements and trends; digital monitoring tools
- Narrative, coherence, balance: how to construct the general editorialization of your programming?
- Territorial anchoring, cooperation with collectives and other players
Tools for the programmer in the representation of diversity
- Programming and the question of gender, equality between men and women, LGBTQIA+ trends, representation of diversity (including visible diversity)
- From artistic watch to prescription, from risk to complacency, from cult to buzz: making the right choices, defining your programming policy
- How can community bridgeheads become venue ambassadors and programming facilitators?
- Cooperation between cultural institutions
- Beyond the cultural prism?
Navigating between artistic and economic logic
- Mobility issues: international cooperation, how to build a program in a context of globalization.
- Economies of scale and defending diversity.
- Understanding the stage price/ticket sales/break ratio
- Negotiating and understanding the different stages of discussions with the artist’s entourage: artistic agents, tour managers, managers…
- Temporality and seasonality of activity
- Residencies, special projects, creation, cooperation, AD according to project type (festivals, cycles, clubs, venues, etc.)
- What are the festival’s levers of attraction and how can artists be remunerated more fairly?
- Programmers for cultural structures
- Festival programmers
- Training is based on real-life case studies, with hands-on learning through exercises, workshops and real-life production situations.
- The “Designing your artistic program in light of current cultural and sociaL issues” is a 3-day course costing €2,100 (excl. VAT)/beneficiary.
Artistic direction of Arty Farty
Founded in Lyon in 1999, Arty Farty is a non-profit, European and independent association serving youth, emerging cultures, democratic renewal, inclusion, diversity and the general interest. Arty Farty is committed to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, debate and artistic initiatives, not only within its own territory, but also at European level.
It works to renew public strategies in the fields of culture, entrepreneurship and democratic practices. Arty Farty campaigns for culture and youth to be given greater consideration in the redefinition of the European project, and in the reduction of social, territorial and generational divides.
It works to renew public strategies in the fields of culture, entrepreneurship and democratic practices. Arty Farty campaigns for culture and youth to be given greater consideration in the redefinition of the European project, and in the reduction of social, territorial and generational divides.

Depending on your situation, the methods of financing your professional training may vary. To find out, consult the document below. If you have any questions, the Hôtel71 team will be happy to answer them by e-mail at
The Hotel71 team is available to answer any questions you may have at →
To ensure the pedagogical skills of our trainers, we take care to implement :
- Experiences of animation in our support systems
- Necessary skills acquired during team trainer training
- page mise à jour le 21/08/2024